Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, HANNAN is a 5 piece modern rock band that delivers on the promise of solid musical arrangement and catchy, memorable hooks.
Founded in 2016, HANNAN hit the ground running, leaving fans in awe of their energetic stage show and huge sound. Supporting acts including Tony McAlpine and HInder HANNAN continues to shine, and has built a fan base if devout followers across the United States and around the globe.
In the winter of 2018, Chet Roberts, of the multi-award winning band 3 Doors Down, discovered HANNAN. Immediately Roberts knew there was something special and expressed his interest in producing HANNAN on their newest release “Charm Offensive.
HANNAN hit the studio in April of 2019 and put together 6 songs of driving, catchy, melodic rock. The album was released in August of 2019 and the rest, as they say, is history……..in the making.